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2024-05-01 11:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

J."Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment"

Published by Taylor & Francis in partnership with Diagnosis Press™


Aims & Scope

Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment (ISSN: 1310-2818; eISSN: 1314-3530) is an international, open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal. As of 2018, it is published online only. The journal publishes original research articles, reviews and editorials in the field of modern biotechnology, agriculture, ecology, food industry, medicine and pharmacy, public health protection, bioinformatics and biotechnological equipment as well as in similar scientific fields where biotechnological achievements are used. Read more...


The journal Biotechnology and Industry was established in 1984. In 1992 its thematic and graphical concept was updated, and it began to be published only in English under the title Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment as a publication of Diagnosis PressTM. Starting from 2014, the journal is published by Taylor & Francis in partnership with Diagnosis PressTM. We at Diagnosis PressTM will continue to bear responsibility for the science content management of the journal, which is for us a true acknowledgement of our dedicated work over the years.

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Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment® No. 1104241

 (Informa UK Limited) 

Journal Archive

The complete journal archive from the very first to the very last issue is available at: www.tandfonline.com/tbeq

 Editorial policy 

Diagnosis Press™ has a mission to provide society with valuable information for a healthy and better life and to promote “The Science and Culture about Nature”.

Since 2003 the journal’s online version appears on the World Wide Web. Volume 21/2007 marks a new graphic and thematic concept. The statistical data show a growing number of visits and high demand for the journal. PILA member since 2011.

The content of the journal, in its new concept, combines scientific investigations and research related to the application of biotechnologies in the agricultural, chemical and pharmaceutical industry by the main directions in the development of biological sciences.

Articles discussing the impact of biotechnology on medicine and public health, ecology and environment, and the global security system are included. The Publisher’s strategy is orientated towards development of the journal into a highly competitive publication.

ObjectivesDistribution of knowledge

The journal’s objective is to become one of the leaders in knowledge distribution in Central and Eastern Europe by including modern themes selected to highlight the importance of biotechnologies as alternative solutions not only for healthy life, but also for more environmentally friendly processes, and even food supply.

Popularisation of scientific discoveries

The journal is a forum for competent opinions published as editorial reviews and publications from leading scientists such as these under the themes in the journal’s main platforms:

Agricultural biotechnologies:

Strategic vision for plant biotechnology and genomics developmentThe evolution of competitive advantage for nations in the agriculture plant biotechnology industryFood biotechnology: promising havoc or hope for the poor?

Medical and pharmaceutical biotechnologies:

Human Papilloma virsuses: realities and perspectivesHuman PolliomavirsusesGenerics-present and future

Education and basic science:

The system of training on biotechnology in Bulgaria – features and problemsNew European view of educationWas Darwin right in adopting the motto “Natura non fasit saltus”?Leading articles...

The popularisation and better understanding of the importance of scientific discoveries by society, especially in the developing countries, is a continuous process, in which the journal is an essential factor.

Forum and Discussions

Diagnosis Press™ has a mission to provide society with valuable information for a healthy and better life. Our aim in selecting materials for the journal is not only to present results as original papers, but also to show and represent the ongoing activities of universities, scientific institutes and research organisations. We are going to perform this by illustrating their current projects and results as well as their long-term collaborations with the industry, farmers and consumers under the rubric (subject category) "What about Research and Industry".

Articles presenting results from completed projects in the frame of PHARE-EC, UNIDO, UNEP, UNESCO, NATO, COPERNICUS and SOCRATES are welcome. The journal’s projects on themes such as "Protein Science and Drug Design", addressed to students and young scientists, represented in the rubric Education and Basic Science, reviews and articles oriented toward special themes, such as the projects "Immune Support for Health from the Nature and Science in Bulgaria"; "Drugs Addiction-Problem of 21st Century" are also represented.

This is just an example of what we have achieved and experienced until now and how Diagnosis Press™ is trying to popularise the idea of "the Science and Culture about Nature". As a publisher until 2013 and onwards with the responsibility for the science content management of the journal, with the support of the Editorial Board we have developed the journal’s strategy as our mission. This is accomplished on the basis of mutual partnerships with the Black Sea Biotechnology Association (BSBA), the Association of Mountain Municipalities, Hasumi International Research Foundation - Bulgaria, the Association of Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Balkan Biochemical Society, etc.

We are open to new creative collaboration, in which the partnership between research and industry will be represented and successful. What about research and industry?






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